Certainly, Men and women both need a personal space to have some personal time and reinvent from the deep of the soul. For a man, enjoying a holiday is like – drinking lots of beer, enjoying books, watching sports or working with power tools is mandatory. Yet, during this pandemic year, when you are forced to sit home, why not build a personal space for your past time.
Since the name refers, a She Shed is part of the house, for the private retreat of men. You can consider it- spouse-free, child-free, work-free place, which is an intelligent sanctuary to unwind everything. She Shed will help you to experience quality ‘personal time.’ Oppositely you can concentrate on an interest or hobby. It will be your all-in-one blissful harmony place with solitude.
To build a She Shed, you just need a garden shed on your home. Then with a little effort, you can transform that into a She Shed. Yet, while you are building a She Shed, you need to remember a few things. Let’s go through them.
Define your needs: While you are constructing a She Shed, try to pack all of your needs into one place. This will have to be your private place with standalone resources.
Design accordingly: The design should be your vision, or you will not find peace.
No wifi, no work: Try not to install wifi in your She Shed; but you should rather have a cable connection for your tv. Or you may use the wifi for entertainment only.
Give and take policy: The more money you spend on your She Shed, the more pleasing it will become. So, try to remain open while you are building this private sanctuary.